

Silent Night.  

Except for the soft wind rushing through the Middle Eastern hills carrying the sounds of bleating sheep.  These sheep are lost and searching for their master.  They hear his cry to them.  They hear his voice.  They hear him calling and his longing to retrieve them from the danger – the crags, cliffs, and the wolves.  And so the sheep respond and come to find their master patiently watching and waiting for them.  He holds them closely and saves them.

And then bright lights shone all around them and they were so afraid.  But the angel said do not be afraid.  The voices of thousands more angels fill the night singing and echoing off the hills, “Glory to God in the highest!”  Luke 2: 8 – 11

Earlier the cries of a young mother-to-be split the silent night with strains of labor pain.  Scream.  Push.  Scream.  And then a Child was born.  Not just any child.  This Child is the King of all kings.  The Lamb of God.  The Lion of Judah.  The Great I Am.  The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.  John 1: 14.  The same dwelling of God in the Tabernacle constructed by Moses hundreds and hundreds of years before could now be a dwelling of God within our own hearts.  Exodus 40: 34 – 38

He began His earthly reign from a feeding trough for animals (Luke 2: 12).  Truly gentle and humble.  A King with a lighter yoke for His servants to bear.  Matthew 11: 28 -30.  A King of a Kingdom not of this world or ruling by worldly standards, but by choice He chooses to demonstrate His great love for us knowing how fallen and unfaithful we would be.  Romans 5: 8

So now it’s a Holy Night.

But we just can’t help ourselves.  We know the Truth.  We know it will set us free.  But we love the darkness.  John 3: 19  We love what’s out there.  We love the wandering.  Isaiah 53: 6. The wide path.  Matthew 7: 13. Just over the hill.  Behind the tree.  Let’s pick it up.  Let’s go look.  Let’s walk into the cave.

And we find the edge of our darkness.  What we think will satisfy and make us happy.  The crags, the cliffs, and the wolves.  With each step we go deeper and darker.  Further from the Truth.  We are lost.  We are separated from the Light of the World and we are so afraid.  

We cry out in fear.  Bleating sheep in the Silent Night.  Bleating sheep caught in danger and following the wolves to the pack that intends on devouring us.  But somewhere through the chaos of the darkness is that small, still Voice.  That humble but ever strong voice calling to us.  It’s the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6) calling to us.  It’s the Master!

These sheep are lost and searching for their Master.  They hear His cry to them and they know His voice.  John 10: 27 – 28. They hear Him calling and His longing to retrieve them from the danger – the crags, cliffs, and the wolves.  And so the sheep respond and come to find their Master patiently watching and waiting for them.

And He holds them closely and saves them.  John 10: 29

Hopefully you will find Do It Expertly to be a source of encouragement, laughter, and hope.

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